ZagorochoriaThe 46 fairytales of Greece with the wild beauty in the background

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When God was in a happy mood, He created Zagorochoria, a cluster of 46 traditional stone villages – masterpieces of architecture, culture, and history surrounded by jaw-dropping nature, perched on the Pindos Mountains range; this is Zagorochoria, a year-round hidden gem in northwestern Greece that offers a tranquil escape into a world of scenic wonders, outdoor adventures, and authentic Greek village life.
In a place where natural beauty exceeds imagination, you will find picturesque villages where stone-built houses, cobblestone streets, and traditional squares create a postcard-perfect setting that transports you back to a bygone era. Traditional stone bridges stand as testaments to the region’s architectural heritage and craftsmanship and will guide you to these dreamy sceneries.
One of the gems in Zagorochoria is Vikos Gorge, one of the deepest gorges in the world, offering breathtaking vistas of the rugged mountains, lush forests, and meandering rivers that carve through the landscape. Follow ancient trails, cross stone bridges, and discover hidden waterfalls as you immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the pristine wilderness, a realm of eagles and rare medicinal herbs.
Experience the warm hospitality of the locals, who take pride in preserving their cultural heritage and sharing their way of life with visitors. Visit traditional kafenia (local village cafes) to savor homemade meals and learn about the region’s customs, traditions, and folklore.
The place is also the ideal setting for outdoor activities; try rafting in the Voidomatis River, drive buggies in pristine off-road natural terrains, explore the villages by guided e-bike tours, enjoy truffle-hunting and hike through gorges, forests, villages, and bridges.
  • Aristi, one of the largest Zagorochoria villages with great food and incredible images
  • Monodendri, stone-built mansions and paved steers for endless walks
  • Ligkiades, a heroic village with an amazing view
  • Vitsa, an amphitheatrically built village at a location of outstanding natural beauty
  • Kipi, a village with impressive architecture that looks like a painting
  • Ano Pedina, a village that exudes grandeur
  • Megalo Papingo, with picturesque cobbled streets, churches, and houses
  • Mikro Papingo, with its Kolympithres, small pools where Ali Pasha is said to have bathed
  • Dilofo, known for its local architecture and out-of-this-world views