KastoriaThe lakeside noble lady of Macedonia

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Kastoria is one of the most atmospheric Greek towns, a lakeside jewel of Northern Greece that looks like it jumped out of a Hollywood movie and will awe you no matter which season you visit. Over the horizon, houses with tiled roofs and Byzantine churches create illusions and reflections on the surface of Orestiada Lake, composing a lovely scenery.

From a distance, it looks like an Impressionist painting; come closer, and you see impressive aristocratic lakeside mansions surrounded by clusters of tall trees interspersed by Byzantine churches. Come closer still, and you’ll notice the locals sipping coffee or promenading by the lake, with the fishermen in their flat-bottomed boats offshore and pelicans keeping hopeful watch alongside.

Stroll on the narrow pathway along the lake’s coast; you will be overwhelmed by its idyllic beauty and tranquility. The promenade, shaded by beech, plane trees, and the neighboring forests, exudes a mystical atmosphere and makes an excellent shelter for all kinds of bird species.

Kastoria is famous for its fur, not only in Greece but around the world. The town’s furriers have been masters of seamlessly stitching pelts into attractive patterns for centuries.